Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry 1 Question 13

13. For the chemical reaction, $X \rightleftharpoons Y$, the standard reaction Gibbs energy depends on temperature $T$ (in $\mathrm{K}$ ) as

$$ \Delta_{\mathrm{r}} G^{\circ}\left(\text { in } \mathrm{kJ} \mathrm{mol}^{-1}\right)=120-\frac{3}{8} T $$

The major component of the reaction mixture at $T$ is

(2019 Main, 11 Jan I)

(a) $Y$ if $T=280 \mathrm{~K}$

(b) $X$ if $T=350 \mathrm{~K}$

(c) $X$ if $T=315 \mathrm{~K}$

(d) $Y$ if $T=300 \mathrm{~K}$

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  1. For a given value of $T$,

(i) If $\Delta_{r} G^{\circ}$ becomes $<0$, the forward direction will be spontaneous and then the major and minor components will be $Y$ and $X$ respectively.

(ii) If $\Delta_{r} G^{\circ}$ becomes $>0$, the forward direction will be non-spontaneous and then the major and minor components will be $X$ and $Y$ respectively.

(a) $\Delta_{r} G^{\circ}=120-\frac{3}{8} \times 280=15$

i.e. $\Delta_{r} G^{\circ}>O$ 0, major component $=X$;

(b) $\Delta_{r} G^{\circ}=120-\frac{3}{8} \times 350=-11.25$

i.e. $\Delta_{r} G^{\circ}<0$, major component $=Y$

(c) $\Delta_{r} G^{\circ}=120-\frac{3}{8} \times 315=1.875$

i.e. $\Delta_{r} G^{\circ}>0$, major component $=X$

(d) $\Delta_{r} G^{\circ}=120-\frac{3}{8} \times 300=7.5$

i.e. $\Delta_{r} G^{\circ}>0$, major component $=X$