Solutions and Colligative Properties 1 Question 13

14. For a solution formed by mixing liquids $L$ and $M$, the vapour pressure of $L$ plotted against the mole fraction of $M$ in solution is shown in the following figure. Here $x_{L}$ and $x_{M}$ represent mole fractions of $L$ and $M$, respectively, in the solution. The correct statement(s) applicable to this system is (are)

(2017 Adv.)

(a) The point $Z$ represents vapour pressure of pure liquid $M$ and Raoult’s law is obeyed from $x_{L}=0$ to $x_{L}=1$

(b) Attractive intermolecular interactions between $L-L$ in pure liquid $L$ and $M-M$ in pure liquid $M$ are stronger than those between $L-M$ when mixed in solution

(c) The point $Z$ represents vapour pressure of pure liquid $M$ and Raoult’s law is obeyed when $x_{L} \rightarrow 0$

(d) The point $Z$ represents vapour pressure of pure liquid $L$ and Raoult’s law is obeyed when $x_{L} \rightarrow 1$

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  1. The graph shown indicates that there is positive deviation because the observed vapour pressure of $L$ is greater than the ideal pressure

Since, deviation is positive, the intermolecular force between $L$ and $M$ is smaller than the same in pure $L$ and pure $M$.

Also as $x_{L} \rightarrow 1, x_{M} \rightarrow 0$, the real curve approaching ideal curve where Raoult’s law will be obeyed.