sblock Elements 1 Question 24

42. Highly pure dilute solution of sodium in liquid ammonia

(a) shows blue colour

(b) exhibits electrical conductivity

(c) produces sodium amide

(d) produces hydrogen gas

$(1998,2 \mathrm{M})$

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Correct Answer: 42. $(\mathrm{a}, \mathrm{b})$


  1. In dilute solution of $\mathrm{Na}$ in liquid ammonia, solvated electrons are present whose emission spectrum gives blue colouration to solution.

$$ \mathrm{Na}+\mathrm{NH}{3} \longrightarrow \mathrm{Na}^{+}+\underset{\text { Solvated electron }}{\mathrm{NH}{3}\left(e^{-}\right)} $$

Also, presence of solvated electrons and solvated $\mathrm{Na}^{+}$ion makes solution highly conducting.