Periodic Classification and Periodic Properties 2 Question 3

3. The correct option with respect to the Pauling electronegativity values of the elements is

(2019 Main, 11 Jan II)

(a) $\mathrm{P}>\mathrm{S}$

(b) $\mathrm{Si}<\mathrm{Al}$

(c) $\mathrm{Te}>\mathrm{Se}$

(d) $\mathrm{Ga}<\mathrm{Ge}$

(c) the first ionisation energies of elements along a period do not vary in a regular manner with increase in atomic number

(d) for transition elements the $d$-subshells are filled with electrons monotonically with increase in atomic number

Objective Question II

(One or more than one correct option)

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Correct Answer: 3. (d)


  1. The electronegativity values of given elements on the Pauling scale can be shown as follows:
Period No. Group 13 Group 14 Group 15 Group 16
3 $\mathrm{Al}(1.5)$ $\mathrm{Si}(1.8)$ $\mathrm{P}(2.1)$ $\mathrm{S}(2.5)$
4 $\mathrm{Ga}(1.6)$ $\mathrm{Ge}(1.8)$ $\mathrm{Se}(2.4)$
5 $\mathrm{Te}(2.01)$

On moving from left to right across a period, i.e. from $\mathrm{Ga}$ to $\mathrm{Se}$, the effective nuclear charge increases and size decreases.

As a result, the value of electronegativity increases due to increase in the attraction between the outer electrons and the nucleus. Whereas on moving down the group, (i.e. from $\mathrm{Se}$ to $\mathrm{Te}$ ), the atomic size increases.

As a result, the force of attraction between the outer electron and the nucleus decreases. Hence, the electronegativity decreases.