pBlock ElementsII 2 Question 23

23. The colour of the $X_{2}$ molecules of group 17 elements changes gradually from yellow to violet down the group. This is due to

(2017 Adv.)

(a) decrease in $\pi^{*}-\sigma *$ gap down the group

(b) decrease in ionisation energy down the group

(c) the physical state of $X_{2}$ at room temperature changes from gas to solid down the group

(d) decreases in HOMO-LUMO gap down the group

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  1. Colour of halogen arises due to transition from HOMO to LUMO
Compounds Hydridisation Structures Lone pair on
central atom
$\mathrm{BrF}_{5}$ $s p^{3} d^{2}$ 1
$\mathrm{ClF}_{3}$ $s p^{3} d$ 2
$\mathrm{XeF}_{4}$ $s p^{3} d^{2}$ 2
$\mathrm{SF}_{4}$ $s p^{3} d$ 1

in the visible region. On moving down a group, the difference in energy between HOMO and LUMO decreases electronic transition occur more easily and colour intensity increases.