Organic Chemistry Basics 2 Question 51

51. Among $P, Q, R$ and $S$, the aromatic compounds(s) is/are

(a) $P$

(b) $Q$

(c) $R$

(d) $S$

(2013 Adv.)

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  1. PLAN A species is said to have aromatic character if (a) ring is planar

(b) their is complete delocalisation of $\pi$-electrons

(c) Huckel rule i.e. $(4 n+2)$ rule is followed. where, $n$ is the number of rings

$(4 n+2)=\pi$ electron delocalised.

$n$ $(4 n+2)$ $\pi$ electrons
$\mathrm{P}$ - 0 2 2
$\mathrm{Q}$ - 1 6 6 (including lone pair)
$\mathrm{R}$ - 1 6 6 (including lone pair on $\mathrm{N})$
$\mathrm{S}$ - 1 6 6

In all cases there is complete delocalisation of $\pi$-electrons.