Organic Chemistry Basics 2 Question 3

3. The increasing order of nucleophilicity of the following nucleophiles is

(2019 Main, 10 April II) (1) $\mathrm{CH}{3} \mathrm{CO}{2}^{\ominus}$ (2) $\mathrm{H}{2} \mathrm{O}$ (3) $\mathrm{CH}{3} \mathrm{SO}_{3}^{\ominus}$ (4) $\stackrel{\ominus}{\mathrm{O}} \mathrm{H}$

(a) (1) $<$ (4) $<$ (3) $<$ (2)

(b) (2) $<$ (3) $<$ (1) $<$ (4)

(c) (4) $<$ (1) $<$ (3) $<$ (2)

(d) (2) $<$ (3) $<$ (4) $<$ (1)

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Correct Answer: 3. (c)


  1. Higher the basicity of a base, stronger will be its nucleophilic power.

Again we know, a weaker acid produces a stronger base (conjugate), i.e. a stronger nucleophile.

Thus, the correct order of nucleophilicity of given nucleophiles are as follows :

$$ \mathrm{H}{2} \mathrm{O}(2)<\mathrm{CH}{3} \mathrm{SO}{3}^{-}(3)<\mathrm{CH}{3} \mathrm{CO}_{2}^{-}(1)<\overline{\mathrm{O}} \mathrm{H}(4) $$