Carboxylic Acids and their Derivatives 2 Question 6

6. The compounds $A$ and $B$ in the following reaction are, respectively

$$ \xrightarrow{\mathrm{HCHO}+\mathrm{HCl}} A \xrightarrow{\mathrm{AgCN}} B $$

(2019 Main, 9 Jan I)

(a) $A=$ Benzyl alcohol, $B=$ Benzyl isocyanide

(b) $A=$ Benzyl alcohol, $B=$ Benzyl cyanide

(c) $A=$ Benzyl chloride, $B=$ Benzyl isocyanide

(d) $A=$ Benzyl chloride, $B=$ Benzyl cyanide

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Correct Answer: 6. (d)


  1. The mechanism of the given reaction is as follows:

Thus, both benzyl cyanide and benzyl isocyanide are the products of reaction but benzyl isocyanide being the major product gives the correct option as (c).