Biomolecules and Chemistry in Everyday Life 2 Question 23

26. The correct functional group $X$ and the reagent/reaction conditions $Y$ in the following schemes are


(a) $X=\mathrm{COOCH}{3}, Y=\mathrm{H}{2} / \mathrm{Ni} /$ heat

(b) $X=\mathrm{CONH}{2}, Y=\mathrm{H}{2} / \mathrm{Ni} /$ heat

(c) $X=\mathrm{CONH}{2}, Y=\mathrm{Br}{2} / \mathrm{NaOH}$

(d) $X=\mathrm{CN}, Y=\mathrm{H}_{2} / \mathrm{Ni} /$ heat

Match the Columns

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Correct Answer: 26. $(a, b, c, d)$


  1. (a) When $X=\mathrm{COOCH}_{3}$

$\mathrm{CH}{3} \mathrm{OOC}-\left(\mathrm{CH}{2}\right){4}-\mathrm{COOCH}{3} \xrightarrow[\text { Heat }]{\mathrm{H}{2} / \mathrm{Ni}} \mathrm{HOCH}{2}-\left(\mathrm{CH}{2}\right){4}-\mathrm{CH}{2} \mathrm{OH}+2 \mathrm{CH}{3} \mathrm{OH} \xrightarrow[\text { Heat }]{\mathrm{HOOC}-\left(\mathrm{CH}{2}\right){4}-\mathrm{COOH}}$

(b) When $X=\mathrm{CONH}_{2}$

In author’s opinion (a) and (b) should also be the answer.

