Biomolecules and Chemistry in Everyday Life 2 Question 16

19. Match the polymers in Column I with their main uses in Column II and choose the correct answer:

Column I Column II
(A) Polystyrene 1. Paints and lacquers
(B) Glyptal 2. Raincoats
(C) Polyvinyl chloride 3. Manufacture of toys
(D) Bakelite 4. Computer discs


A | B | C | D | A | B | C | D | | :— | :— | :— | :— | :— | :— | :— |

(b) $3 \begin{array}{llll}3 & 1 & 2 & 4\end{array}$

(c) 24341

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Correct Answer: 19. (b)


  1. (a) Polystyreme- manufacturing toys

(b) Glyptal- Paints and lacquers

(c) Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)- Raincoats

(d) Bakelite- computer discs

Thus, the correct match is $\mathrm{A} \rightarrow(1)$,

$\mathrm{B} \rightarrow(1), \quad \mathrm{C} \rightarrow(2), \quad \mathrm{D} \rightarrow(4)$