Biomolecules and Chemistry in Everyday Life 1 Question 8

8. Maltose on treatment with dilute $\mathrm{HCl}$ gives

(2019 Main, 08 April I)

(a) D-glucose and D-fructose

(b) D-fructose

(c) D-galactose

(d) D-glucose

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  1. Maltose on treatment with dil. $\mathrm{HCl}$ gives $\mathrm{D}$-glucose. Hydrolysis of maltose yields two moles of $\alpha$ - D-glucose. Thus, it is composed of two $\alpha$-D-glucose units in which C-1 of one glucose unit (I) is linked to $\mathrm{C}-4$ of another glucose unit (II). The free aldehyde group can be produced at $\mathrm{C}$ - 1 of second glucose in solution and it shows reducing properties. So, it is a reducing sugar.