Biomolecules and Chemistry in Everyday Life 1 Question 12

13. The correct sequence of amino acids present in the tripeptide given below is

(2019 Main, 9 Jan II)

(a) Thr - Ser - Leu

(b) Leu - Ser - Thr

(c) Val - Ser - Thr

(d) Thr - Ser - Val

14 The increasing order of $p K_{a}$ of the following amino acids in] aqueous solution is Gly, Asp, Lys, Arg

(2019 Main, 9 Jan I)

(a) Asp $<$ Gly $<$ Arg $<$ Lys

(b) Arg $<$ Lys $<$ Gly $<$ Asp

(c) Gly $<$ Asp $<$ Arg $<$ Lys

(d) Asp $<$ Gly $<$ Lys $<$ Arg

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  1. Formation of the tripeptide (Val-Ser-Thr) can be shown as:

14 Amino acid molecules can be represented as,

Nature of the ’ $R$ ’ group will determine the basicity (hence, $\mathrm{p} K_{a}$ ) of an amino acid.

’ $R$ ’ in the amino group Nature
of $R$
Nature of
the amino
1. $-\left(\mathrm{CH}{2}\right){3}-\mathrm{NH}-\mathrm{C} / \stackrel{+}{N}{\mathrm{NH}{2}}^{\text {(Arginine : Arg) }}$
Basic More basic (due
to the presence
of acetamidine
2. $-\mathrm{CH}{2}-\mathrm{C}{\mathrm{O}^{-}}^{/ / \mathrm{O}}$
(Aspartic acid: Asp)
Acidic Acidic
3. —H (Glycine) : Gly Neutral Neutral
4. $-\left(\mathrm{CH}{2}\right){4}-\stackrel{+}{\mathrm{N}} \mathrm{H}_{3}$
(Lysine : Lys)
Basic Basic