Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants Question 50

50. An ovule which becomes curved so that the nucellus and embryo sac lie at right angles to the funicle is


(a) Hemitropous

(b) Campylotropous

(c) Anatropous

(d) Orthotropous

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Answer : a

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(a) In campylotropous ovule, the body is curved but the embryo sac is straight eg. Capsella. In anatropous ovule, the body of ovule is inverted and gets fused with funiculus along its whole length on one side (most of the angiosperms). In orthotropous condition, the body of ovule lies straight and upright over the funicle. e.g. Piperaceae, Polygonaceae. (c) In flowering plants, archesporium cells undergo periclinal (transverse) division to form outer primary parietal layer and inner sporogenous cells. Primary parietal wall after few more periclinal divisions form anther wall and sporogenous cells give rise to sporogenous tissue.