Respiration in Plants Question 16

16. In glycolysis, during oxidation electrons are removed by

(a) ATP

(b) glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate

(c) $NAD+$

(d) molecular oxygen

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Answer : c

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(c) In glycolysis, during oxidation electrons are removed by $NAD^{+}$. When 3-phosphogtyceraldehyde is converted into 1,3 diphosphoglyceric acid, two electrons and two protons are released which are utilised to convert $NAD^{+}$to NADH and one $H^{+} NAD^{+}+2 H^{+}+$ $2 e \to NADH+H^{+}$. ATP is the energy currency in all cells. Glyceraldehyde 3 - phosphate is reduced during glycolysis. Molecular oxygen is the terminal electron acceptor in ETS.