Reproductive Health Question 28

28. Assisted reproductive technology, IVF involves transfer of:

(a) Ovum into the fallopian tube.

(b) Zygote into the fallopian tube.

(c) Zygote into the uterus.

(d) Embryo with 16 blastomeres into the fallopian tube.

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Answer : b

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(b) IVF (In vitro Fertilization) is the process of fertilization by manually combining an egg and sperm in a laboratory dish. The process involves monitoring and stimulating a woman’s ovulatory process, removing ovum or ova (egg or eggs) from the woman’s ovaries and letting sperm fertilise them in a fluid medium in a laboratory. The fertilised egg (zygote) is cultured for 2-6 days in a growth medium and is then transferred to the mother’s uterus with the intention of establishing a successful pregnancy.