Locomotion and Movement Question 21

21. Three of the following pairs of the human skeletal parts are correctly matched with their respective inclusive skeletal category and one pair is not matched. Identify the non-matching pair.

Pairs of skeletal parts Category
(a) Sternum and Ribs Axial skeleton
(b) Clavicle and Glenoid cavity Pelvic girdle
(c) Humerus and Ulna skeleton Appendicular
(d) Malleus and Stapes Ear ossicles
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Answer : b

Hints & Solutions

(b) Glenoid cavity is found in pectoral girdle. A tear of the rim below the middle of the glenoid socket that also involves the inferior glenohumeral ligament is called a Bankart lesion. Tears of the glenoid rim often occur with other shoulder injuries, such as a dislocated shoulder (full or partial dislocation). Trauma may cause a fracture of the humerus (ball) or the glenoid (socket) of the shoulder joint. The majority of these injuries can be treated without surgery with a good, long-term result. Some fractures are better treated with surgery because they may carry a high risk of arthritis if left alone.