Human Health and Diseases Question 6

6. Match each disease with its correct type of vaccine:

[2015 RS]

(A) Tuberculosis

(i) harmless virus

(ii) inactivated toxin

(iii) killed bacteria

(iv) harmless bacteria

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Answer : b

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(b) Tuberculosis vaccine (BCG) has inactivated bacteria. In whooping cough vaccine, there are killed pathogens of Bordetella pertussis which cause whooping cough. In DPT diphtheria toxoid is present. Sabin polio vaccine contains inactivated virus. $B C G$ vaccine contains a live, attenuated strain of M. bovis that was originally isolated from cattle with tuberculosis and cultured for a period of 13 years and a total of 231 passages. The BCG vaccine was first used to immunize humans in 1921.