Ecosystem Question 57

57. The correct sequence of plants in a hydrosere is:


(a) Volvox $arrow$ Hydrilla $arrow$ Pistia $arrow$ Scirpus Lantana $arrow$ Oak

(b) Pistia $arrow$ Volvox $arrow$ Scirpus $arrow$ Hydrilla $arrow$ Oak $arrow$ Lantana

(c) Oak $arrow$ Lantana $arrow$ Volvox $arrow$ Hydrilla $arrow$ Pistia $arrow$ Scirpus

(d) Oak $arrow$ Lantana $arrow$ Scirpus $arrow$ Pistia $arrow$ Hydrilla $arrow$ Volvox

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Answer : a

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(a) The correct sequence of plants in a hydrosere is Volvox, Hydrilla, Pistia, Scirpus, Lanatana and Oak. A hydrosere is a plant succession which occurs in a fresh water lake. In time, an area of open fresh water such as a lake will naturally dry out, ultimately becoming woodland. During this change, a range of different landtypes such as swamp and marsh will succeed each other. The succession from open water to climax woodland is likely to take at least two hundred years.