Biotechnology- Principles and Processes Question 56

56. Biolistics (gene-gun) is suitable for


(a) DNA finger printing.

(b) Disarming pathogen vectors.

(c) Transformation of plant cells.

(d) Constructing recombinant DNA by joining with vectors.

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Answer : c

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(c) Biolistic it is direct gene transferred method for constructing recombinant DNA. The gene gun was invented by John C. Sanford with Edward Wolf. A gene gun can be used to genetically infect cells or whole organisms with foreign DNA by aiming the barrel of the gun and firing. The microshot projectiles in the biolistic gene gun are made of microscopic (or nano) sized gold or platinum powders. These expensive powders are soaked in DNA or RNA (in raw or plasmid form) that are engineered for insertion into the genome of the cells or organisms under the gun.