Biotechnology- Principles and Processes Question 30

30. Which one of the following represents a palindromic sequence in DNA?

(a) 5’ - GAATTC - 3'

(b) 5’ - CCAATG - 3'

(c) 5’ - CATTAG - 3'

(d) 5’ - GATACC - 3'

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Answer : a

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(a) A palindromic sequence is a nucleic acid sequence (DNA or RNA) that is the same whether read 5’ (five-prime) to $3^{\prime}$ (three prime) on one strand or $5^{\prime}$ to $3^{\prime}$ on the complementary strand with which it forms a double helix.

5 ’ - GAATTC - 3'

3’ - CTTAAG - 5'

It is a palindromic sequence of DNA cut by restriction enzyme EcoRI.