Biomolecules Question 1

1. Identify the substances having glycosidic bond and peptide bond, respectively in their structure


(a) Glycerol, trypsin

(b) Cellulose, lecithin

(c) Inulin, insulin

(d) Chitin, cholesterol

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Answer : c

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(c) Inulin is a mixture of linear fructose polymers with different chain length and a glucose molecule at each $C 2$ end. Adjacent fructose units are linked through glycosidic bond. The inulin that is used for medicine is most commonly obtained by soaking chicory roots in hot water. Insulin is a protein composed of 51 amino acids and acts as a hormone which is secreted by beta-cells of pancreas. Adjacent amino acids are attached through peptide bond. Insulin is the first protein which is sequenced by Fredrick Sanger. He was awarded the 1958 Nobel Prize for Chemistry. Inulin is commonly used by mouth for high blood fats, including cholesterol and triglycerides and is also used for weight loss, constipation, diarrhea, and diabetes.