Is there a ceiling fan in the room where you are sitting now? Is the fan quiet or noisy? If it is noisy, you may be sure it is a distant relative of the ’talking fan’ in the poem which you are going to read.

Once there was a talking fan—-
Electrical his chatter.
I couldn’t quite hear what he said
And I hope it doesn’t matter
Because one day somebody oiled
His little whirling motor
And all the mystery was spoiled —-
He ran as still as water.

Working with the Poem

1. Fans don’t talk, but it is possible to imagine that they do. What is it, then, that sounds like the fan’s chatter?

2. Complete the following sentences.

(i) The chatter is electrical because______________________________________________________

(ii) It is mysterious because ______________________________________________________

3. What do you think the talking fan was demanding?

4. How does an electric fan manage to throw so much air when it is switched on?

5. Is there a ’talking fan’ in your house? Create a dialogue between the fan and a mechanic.

Sell Waid, My Friend!

When you want to say ‘a well-oiled bicycle,’ and actually say ‘a well-boiled icicle’, you have spoken a spoonerism-changing round, accidentally, the initial sounds of two or more words when speaking.

Rahul’s teacher was angry. Rahul had failed twice in term examinations. The teacher thundered, “You have tasted two worms already.” What was the teacher trying to say?
