Look at the above picture. Count and write the number of objects given below.

Coconuts $ \begin{array}{|l|} \hline \hspace{6 mm} \\ \hline \end{array} $ $\qquad$ Boats $ \begin{array}{|l|} \hline \hspace{6 mm} \\ \hline \end{array} $

Children $ \begin{array}{|l|} \hline \hspace{6 mm} \\ \hline \end{array} $ $\qquad$ Oranges $ \begin{array}{|l|} \hline \hspace{6 mm} \\ \hline \end{array} $

How did you count them? Did you count them one by one or in bunches or groups?

Discuss with children if they have seen or visited a seashore or a river side. Which animals and plants are usually seen there? Encourage them to count in groups.

Let us Do

A. Look at the shops shown in the picture and fill in the blanks.

i. There are ___________ necklaces of shells with 10 shells in each necklace.

ii. There are ___________ groups of balloons with ___________ balloons in each group and ___________ loose balloons.

iii. There are _______ bunches of bananas with ________ bananas in each bunch and ___________ loose bananas.

B. Surbhi has collected some seashells. She wants to help her mother in making bracelets and necklaces.

C. Surbhi has made ____________ groups of shells with _______ number of shells in each group for her bracelets.

D. Her mother has made ____________ groups of shells with ____________ number of shells in each group for her necklaces.

Let us Think

List out the objects that come in packs of ten.

A. _____________ B. _____________ C. _____________

Tasty Chikoos!

Manoj is helping his father in selling chikoos that he has arranged in the trays.

There are ______ chikoos in one tray. How many chikoos are there in total? _______

Now help Manoj in placing all the chikoos in the trays for selling.

A. 25 chikoos : ____ trays of ten chikoos and ____ chikoos.

B. 43 chikoos : ____ trays of ten chikoos and ____ chikoos.

C. 35 chikoos : ____ trays of ten chikoos and ____ chikoos.

D. 58 chikoos : ____ trays of ten chikoos and ____ chikoos.

Let us Match

Fun with Blocks and Strips

Can you tell how many blocks are there in this block stick?

1 block stick = ________ blocks

Can you tell how many units are there in this ten strip?

1 ten strip = ________ units

Let us Do

Complete the below table.

Use sticks or bundles of sticks or similar material which can be grouped to develop number sense among children.

Let us Make 100!

Discuss some other combinations of ten strips that make a 100 units grid.

Let us Make 100!

Let us play this game in groups of 5 or 6. One member will become the banker. Each team member will roll two dice together and take that many units from the bank. Whenever there are units that are equal to or more than 10, they will exchange the ten units for a ten strip from the banker. Play the same and collect 10 tens strips and put them to make a 100 units grid. We can also use items like rajma, pebbles, chana, etc., as units.

Encourage children to use different cards for tens and ones.

Let us Think

Let us Play

Make Numbers

Children can make numbers using different number cards either of tens or ones. The teacher calls out a number, say, 52. The children with numbers cards of 50 and 2 will come together and form the number 52 as shown below. The game continues for other numbers such as 27.

Let children have lots of practice on regrouping a number in tens and ones. For example, 73 is made up of 70 and 3 or 7 tens and 3 ones. Let children make their own worksheets for two digit numbers.

Which is less 27 oranges or 72 oranges? Why?

Fill in the blanks with more or less.

A. 67 chikoos are _______ than 76 chikoos.

B. 53 shells are _______ than 35 shells.

Let us Do

Fill in the blanks.

A. 29 is more than 20. $\qquad$ B. ______ is less than 41.

C. ______ is less than 76. $\qquad$ D. 49 is more than ______ .

E. 25 is less than ______ . $\qquad$ F. ______ is less than 2.

G. 36 is more than ______ . $\qquad$ H. _____ is more than ______.

Discuss with children the situations where they can compare two quantities. Ask children to make two groups of concrete objects like pebbles, marbles, bottle caps, seeds, etc., and to estimate which group as more number of objects. Let them then verify their estimate by counting the objects.

Let us Play

Flash Card Game

A. Make flash cards of numbers from 0 to 9. Make the desired number according to the rules given below by placing these cards appropriately at tens and ones place.

i. A number greater than 50.

ii. A number less than 30.

iii. A number between 47 and 59.

iv. Which is the smallest two-digit 7 number you can make?

v. Which is the largest two-digit number you can make? Why do you think that the number you made is the largest?

B. Choose any two flash cards and make a two-digit number. Now swap these flash cards to get another number and find out whether it is bigger or smaller than the previous number. How will you get the largest number using same digits?

Mark by Passing the Path

From the largest number, try to reach the smallest one in decreasing order by passing through each and every number atleast once.

Play with Numbers

Who am I?

A. I am the largest two-digit number.

B. I am the largest two-digit number where no digit is repeated.

C. I am the smallest two-digit number.

D. I am the smallest two-digit number, my digits are repeated.

E. I am the smallest two-digit number with 3 at the tens place.

F. I am the largest two-digit number with 2 at the ones place.

Make your own such questions.

Vallam kali

In Kerala, Onam is celebrated through a famous snake boat race called as vallam kali. The race has nearly come to an end. Look at the picture and observe the position of each boat.

A. Which colour boat came first in the race? __________

B. Which colour boat is likely to come third? __________

C. At which positions are blue and green boats? __________

D. Write the position of pink and orange boats on the basis of the picture. ____________

Look at the month of August in the calendar given below.

Read the calendar and answer the following questions.

A. Onam will be celebrated on which day of the month? $ \begin{array}{|l|} \hline \hspace{6 mm} \\ \hline \end{array} $

B. When is the Independence day celebrated? $ \begin{array}{|l|} \hline \hspace{6 mm} \\ \hline \end{array} $

C. Raksha Bandhan is on $ \begin{array}{|l|} \hline \hspace{6 mm} \\ \hline \end{array} $ Wednesday of this month.

Find out if any of your friends celebrated their birthday in the month of August. Mark it on the calendar.

Discuss with students about various other places where they can see numbers as labels or names around them. For example, house number, pillar number, roll number, bus or train number, etc. Tell children that the beautiful way in which we all write numbers today, using the digits 0 and 1–9, originated in India.
