Recapitulation Of Thermodynamic Variables Equilibrium Etc Lecture 5

Recapitulation of thermodynamic variables, equilibrium,etc (lecture 5).

graph TB A[Physics] A --> B1[Thermodynamic Variables] A --> B2[Equilibrium] B1 --> C1[Pressure] B1 --> C2[Temperature] B1 --> C3[Volume] B2 --> D1[Thermal Equilibrium] B2 --> D2[Mechanical Equilibrium] B2 --> D3[Chemical Equilibrium] C1 --> E1[Physical force exerted on an object] C2 --> F1["Hotness or coldness expressed in terms of any of several arbitrary scales"] C3 --> G1[Amount of space occupied by a three-dimensional solid or a closed surface.] D1 --> H1[Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics] D2 --> H2[Balance of Forces] D3 --> H3[Balance of Chemical Potentials]