Recapitulation Of Concepts Of Shm And Problem 1 On Vertical Spring Mass System

Recapitulation of concepts of SHM and Problem 1 on Vertical spring mass system

graph TD; A[Physics] A --> B[Recapitulation of Concepts of SHM] B --> D[Understanding SHM] D --> E[Key Concepts] E --> F1["Concept 1: Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) is a type of oscillatory motion"] F1 --> G1[Example: Pendulum swinging back and forth] E --> F2[Concept 2: The restoring force in SHM is directly proportional to the displacement] F2 --> G2["Example: Spring-mass system"] A --> C[Problem 1 on Vertical Spring Mass System] C --> G[Understanding the System] G --> H[Formulating the Problem] H --> I[Solving the Problem] I --> J[Example: Given a spring constant k and mass m, calculate the time period of oscillation]