Problem On Difference In Blood Pressure

Problem on difference in blood pressure

graph TD; B["Problem on difference in blood pressure"]; B --> C1["Problem Statement"]; B --> C2["Given Data"]; B --> C3["Formula to Use"]; B --> C4["Solution Steps"]; B --> C5["Final Answer"]; C1 --> D1["The blood pressure at the heart level is 120 mmHg. The density of blood is 1060 kg/m³, and the height from the heart to the top of the head is approximately 0.5 m."]; C2 --> D2["ρ = 1060 kg/m³"]; C2 --> D3["h = 0.5 m"]; C3 --> D4["ΔP = ρ * g * h"]; C4 --> D5["Substitute the given values into the formula."]; C5 --> D6["ΔP = 1060 kg/m³ * 9.8 m/s² * 0.5 m"];