Experiment Based On Releasing Sphere And Disc From The Incline Plane

Experiment based on releasing sphere and disc from the incline plane

graph TB A[Experiment based on releasing sphere and disc from the incline plane] A --> B[Objective] B --> B1[To understand the motion of sphere and disc on an incline plane] A --> C[Materials Required] C --> C1[Sphere] C --> C2[Disc] C --> C3[Incline Plane] A --> D[Procedure] D --> D1[Release the sphere from the top of the incline plane] D --> D2[Observe and record the motion] D --> D3[Repeat the experiment with the disc] A --> E[Observations] E --> E1[Record the time taken for the sphere and disc to reach the bottom] A --> F[Conclusion] F --> F1[Analyze the results and understand the physics behind the motion]