Change In Resistance Due To Increase In Temperature

Change in resistance due to increase in temperature

graph TB A[Change in resistance due to increase in temperature] --> B[Concepts] B --> C[Resistance] B --> D[Temperature] C --> E[Definition] C --> F[Factors affecting resistance] D --> G[Definition] D --> H[Factors affecting temperature] E --> I[Resistance is the opposition to the flow of electric current] F --> J[Material] F --> K[Length] F --> L[Cross-sectional area] F --> M[Temperature] G --> N[Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a system] H --> O[Heat source] H --> P[Ambient temperature] M --> Q[Increase in temperature increases the kinetic energy of the particles] M --> R[Increased kinetic energy causes more collisions between particles] M --> S[More collisions increase the resistance]