Atmospheric Pressure And Gauge Pressure

Atmospheric pressure

graph TD; B[Atmospheric Pressure]; B --> D[Definition]; D --> D1["Atmospheric pressure is the force per unit area exerted against a surface by the weight of air above that surface in the Earth's atmosphere."] B --> E[Units]; E --> E1["Pascal (Pa)"] B --> F[Example]; F --> F1[Atmospheric pressure at sea level is approximately 101325 Pa.]

Gauge pressure

graph TD; C[Gauge Pressure]; C --> G[Definition]; G --> G1[Gauge pressure is the pressure relative to the ambient pressure.] C --> H[Units]; H --> H1["Pascal (Pa)"] C --> I[Example]; I --> I1[If the atmospheric pressure is 101325 Pa, a tire inflated to a gauge pressure of 200000 Pa is actually at an absolute pressure of 301325 Pa.]