Calculate Intercept Made By Circle On Axes

Calculate Intercept Made by Circle on Axes

graph TB A[Calculate Intercept Made by Circle on Axes] A --> B[Understand the Problem] A --> C[Identify Knowns and Unknowns] A --> D[Draw a Diagram] B --> E[Read the Problem Carefully] B --> F[Identify Key Information] C --> G[Write Down Knowns] C --> H[Identify Unknowns] D --> I[Draw the Circle] D --> J[Mark the Axes] D --> K[Identify Intercepts] E --> L[Understand the Mathematical Concepts Involved] F --> M[Identify Relevant Formulas] G --> N[Use Knowns to Solve for Unknowns] H --> O[Use Unknowns to Formulate Equations] I --> P[Use Diagram to Visualize Problem] J --> Q[Use Diagram to Identify Intercepts] K --> R[Calculate Intercepts]