Nomenclature Of Alkenes

Nomenclature of alkenes

graph TB A[Nomenclature of Alkenes] A --> B1[General Formula] A --> B2[Functional Group] A --> B3[Parent Chain] A --> B4[Position of Double Bond] A --> B5[Naming Substituents] A --> B6[Multiple Double Bonds] B1 --> C1[Alkenes have the general formula CnH2n] B2 --> C2[The functional group of alkenes is the carbon-carbon double bond] B3 --> C3[The parent chain is the longest chain of carbon atoms that contains the double bond] B4 --> C4[The position of the double bond is indicated by the lowest numbered carbon atom in the double bond] B5 --> C5[Substituents are named in the same way as for alkanes] B6 --> C6[If there are multiple double bonds, the positions are indicated by the numbers of the first carbon atoms in each double bond]