Reproduction:Sexual Reproduction In Flowering Plants – 4


graph TD; A[Questions] --> B(Biology); B --> C1(Cell Biology); B --> C2(Ecology); B --> C3(Genetics); B --> C4(Evolution); C1 --> D1(What is a cell?); C1 --> D2(What are the types of cells?); C2 --> D3(What is ecology?); C2 --> D4(What are the levels of ecological organization?); C3 --> D5(What is genetics?); C3 --> D6(What is a gene?); C4 --> D7(What is evolution?); C4 --> D8(What is natural selection?);

Self Incompatibility

graph TB A[Self Incompatibility] A --> B[Genetic Basis] A --> C[Mechanisms] B --> D[SI Genes] B --> E[Genetic Control] C --> F[Prezygotic] C --> G[Postzygotic] F --> H[Gametophytic] F --> I[Sporophytic] G --> J[Ubiquitin Proteasome Pathway] G --> K[Calcium Signaling]

Development Of Male Gametophyte

graph TB A[Development Of Male Gametophyte] A --> B[Microsporogenesis] B --> C[Formation of Microspore Tetrads] C --> D[Microspore Separation] D --> E[Microspore Maturation] A --> F[Pollen Grain Formation] F --> G[Vegetative Cell] G --> H[Generative Cell] H --> I[Formation of Two Sperm Cells]

Female Sex Organ

graph TB A[Female Sex Organ] A --> B[Ovaries] A --> C[Fallopian Tubes] A --> D[Uterus] A --> E[Cervix] A --> F[Vagina] B --> G[Produces Eggs] C --> H[Transports Eggs] D --> I[Implantation of Fertilized Egg] E --> J[Connection Between Uterus and Vagina] F --> K[Birth Canal]

Different Type Of Ovule

graph TD; A[Different Types of Ovule]; B[Orthotropous]; C[Anatropous]; D[Hemi-anatropous]; E[Campylotropous]; F[Ampitropous]; A-->B; A-->C; A-->D; A-->E; A-->F; B-->G[Ovule erect]; C-->H[Ovule inverted]; D-->I[Ovule half inverted]; E-->J[Ovule curved]; F-->K[Ovule both inverted and erect];

Development Of Megaspore

graph TD; A[Development Of Megaspore]; B[Megasporocyte]; C[Megaspore Mother Cell]; D[Megaspore Tetrad]; E[Functional Megaspore]; F[Degenerated Megaspores]; G[Megagametophyte]; H[Embryo Sac]; A-->B; B-->C; C-->D; D-->E; D-->F; E-->G; G-->H;

Development Of Embryo Sac

graph TB A[Development Of Embryo Sac] A --> B[Megasporogenesis] B --> C[Megaspore Mother Cell] C --> D[Megaspore Tetrad] D --> E[Functional Megaspore] A --> F[Megagametogenesis] F --> G[Functional Megaspore] G --> H[Two-Nucleate Stage] H --> I[Four-Nucleate Stage] I --> J[Eight-Nucleate Stage] J --> K[Mature Embryo Sac]

Structure Of Embryo Sac

graph TB A[Embryo Sac] A --> B[Antipodal Cells] A --> C[Central Cell] C --> D[Polar Nuclei] A --> E[Egg Apparatus] E --> F[Egg Cell] E --> G[Synergids]