Reproduction:Sexual Reproduction In Flowering Plants – 3

Factor Favouring Cross Pollination

graph TD; A[Factors Favouring Cross Pollination]; B[Dichogamy]; C[Herkogamy]; D[Self-incompatibility]; E[Male sterility]; F[Wind and Water]; G[Animals and Insects]; A-->B; A-->C; A-->D; A-->E; A-->F; A-->G;

Cross Pollination

graph TB A[Cross Pollination] B[Types of Cross Pollination] C[Agents of Cross Pollination] D[Advantages of Cross Pollination] E[Disadvantages of Cross Pollination] A --> B A --> C A --> D A --> E B --> F[Allogamy] B --> G[Xenogamy] C --> H[Wind] C --> I[Water] C --> J[Animals] D --> K[Genetic Diversity] D --> L[Adaptation] E --> M[Energy Consumption] E --> N[Less Seed Production]

Cross Pollination

graph TD; A[Cross Pollination] --> B((Types of Cross Pollination)); B --> C[Allogamy]; B --> D[Geitonogamy]; C --> E[Wind Pollination]; C --> F[Water Pollination]; C --> G[Animal Pollination]; D --> H[Same Plant Different Flowers]; D --> I[Same Inflorescence]; A --> J((Factors Affecting Cross Pollination)); J --> K[Environmental Factors]; J --> L[Genetic Factors]; J --> M[Physical Factors]; J --> N[Chemical Factors];

Anemophily Or Wind Pollination

graph TD; A[Anemophily Or Wind Pollination] --> B((Biology)) B --> C[Characteristics] C --> D1{Lightweight Pollen} C --> D2{Long Pollen Season} C --> D3{High Pollen Production} B --> E[Types] E --> F1[Grasses] E --> F2[Trees] E --> F3[Weeds] B --> G[Advantages] G --> H1[Large Area Coverage] G --> H2[No Need for Pollinators] B --> I[Disadvantages] I --> J1[High Pollen Waste] I --> J2[Dependent on Weather]

Hydrophily Or Water Pollination

graph TB A[Hydrophily Or Water Pollination] A --> B[Types of Hydrophily] B --> C[EpHydrophily] B --> D[Hydrophily] A --> E[Examples] E --> F[Seagrasses] E --> G[Waterweeds] A --> H[Advantages] H --> I[Efficient Pollination] H --> J[Protection from Wind and Animals] A --> K[Disadvantages] K --> L[Limited to Aquatic Plants] K --> M[Dependent on Water Currents]

Insect Pollination

graph TB IP[Insect Pollination] B[Biology] I[Insects] P[Pollination] F[Flowers] N[Nectar] S[Seeds] IP --> B IP --> I IP --> P P --> F F --> N F --> S

Entomophily Or Insect Pollination

graph TD; EntomophilyOrInsectPollination-->Insects; Insects-->Bees; Bees-->HoneyBee; Bees-->BumbleBee; Insects-->Butterflies; Butterflies-->Monarch; Butterflies-->Swallowtail; Insects-->Flies; Flies-->HouseFly; Flies-->FruitFly; EntomophilyOrInsectPollination-->Plants; Plants-->FloweringPlants; FloweringPlants-->Sunflower; FloweringPlants-->Rose; FloweringPlants-->Orchid;

Bird Pollination

graph TB A[Bird Pollination] A --> B1[Types of Birds] A --> B2[Flower Characteristics] A --> B3[Geographical Distribution] B1 --> C1[Hummingbirds] B1 --> C2[Sunbirds] B1 --> C3[Honeyeaters] B2 --> D1[Color] B2 --> D2[Shape] B2 --> D3[Nectar] B3 --> E1[Tropical Regions] B3 --> E2[Temperate Regions]

Ornithophily Or Bird Pollination

graph TB A[Ornithophily Or Bird Pollination] A --> B[Definition] A --> C[Importance] A --> D[Examples] B --> E["Pollination by birds"] C --> F["Biodiversity"] C --> G["Plant reproduction"] D --> H["Hummingbirds"] D --> I["Sunbirds"]

Bat Pollination

graph TB A[Bat Pollination] A --> B[Biology] B --> C1[Types of Bats] C1 --> D1[Fruit Bats] C1 --> D2[Nectar Bats] B --> C2[Importance of Bat Pollination] C2 --> D3[Seed Dispersal] C2 --> D4[Genetic Diversity] B --> C3[Threats to Bat Pollination] C3 --> D5[Habitat Loss] C3 --> D6[Climate Change] C3 --> D7[Disease]

Chiropterophily Or Bat Pollination

graph TD; A[Chiropterophily Or Bat Pollination]; B[Bat Species]; C[Flower Characteristics]; D[Geographical Distribution]; E[Benefits]; F[Challenges]; A-->B; A-->C; A-->D; A-->E; A-->F; B-->G[Microbats]; B-->H[Megabats]; C-->I[Large]; C-->J[Strong Scent]; C-->K[Open at Night]; D-->L[Tropical Regions]; D-->M[Desert Regions]; E-->N[Pollination of Rare Plants]; E-->O[Long Distance Pollination]; F-->P[Threats to Bat Populations]; F-->Q[Climate Change];

Advantage Of Cross Pollination

graph TD; A[Advantage Of Cross Pollination]; B[Genetic Diversity]; C[Increased Fertility]; D[Resistance to Pests]; E[Adaptation to Changing Conditions]; F[Improved Crop Yield]; A-->B; A-->C; A-->D; A-->E; A-->F;

Disadvantage Of Cross Pollination

graph TB A[Disadvantage Of Cross Pollination] A --> B[Chance of Unwanted Traits] A --> C[Dependency on Pollinators] A --> D[Energy Consumption] A --> E[Reduced Genetic Diversity] B --> F[Unwanted traits can be passed on to the next generation] C --> G[Pollinators may not be always available] D --> H[Cross pollination requires more energy than self pollination] E --> I[Cross pollination can lead to reduced genetic diversity in a population]

Difference Between Self And Cross Pollination

graph TD; A[Difference Between Self And Cross Pollination]; B[Self Pollination]; C[Cross Pollination]; D[Definition]; E[Definition]; F[Advantages]; G[Advantages]; H[Disadvantages]; I[Disadvantages]; J[Examples]; K[Examples]; A-->B; A-->C; B-->D[Transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of the same flower]; C-->E[Transfer of pollen from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another flower]; B-->F[No need for pollinators, less energy and time consuming]; C-->G[Genetic diversity, adaptation to changing environments]; B-->H[Less genetic variation, risk of inbreeding]; C-->I[Requires pollinators, more energy and time consuming]; B-->J[Peas, orchids]; C-->K[Most flowering plants, grasses];


graph TD; Questions-->Biology; Biology-->Cell; Biology-->Genetics; Biology-->Evolution; Biology-->Ecology; Biology-->Anatomy; Cell-->What is a cell?; Genetics-->What is DNA?; Evolution-->What is natural selection?; Ecology-->What is an ecosystem?; Anatomy-->What is the function of the heart?;