Reproduction:Sexual Reproduction In Flowering Plants – 1


graph TB A[Reproduction] A --> B[Sexual Reproduction] A --> C[Asexual Reproduction] B --> D[Mammals] B --> E[Birds] B --> F[Reptiles] C --> G[Bacteria] C --> H[Fungi] C --> I[Plants]

Advantage Of Sexual Representation

graph TB A[Advantage Of Sexual Representation] A --> B[Genetic Diversity] A --> C[Adaptation] A --> D[Survival] B --> E[Variation in Offspring] C --> F[Ability to Adapt to Changing Environments] D --> G[Higher Survival Rates]

Disadvantage Of Sexual Representation

graph TD; A[Disadvantage Of Sexual Representation]; B[Energy Consumption]; C[Time Consumption]; D[Risk of STDs]; E[Genetic Diversity]; F[Population Growth]; G[Competition]; A-->B; A-->C; A-->D; A-->E; A-->F; A-->G; B-->H{High Energy Requirement for Reproduction}; C-->I{Longer Time Required for Reproduction}; D-->J{Increased Risk of Transmitting Diseases}; E-->K{Potential Loss of Beneficial Genes}; F-->L{Slower Population Growth Compared to Asexual Reproduction}; G-->M{Increased Competition for Mates};

Evolution Of Reproduction In Plant

graph TB A[Evolution Of Reproduction In Plant] A --> B[Primitive Plants] A --> C[Advanced Plants] B --> D[Spore Reproduction] B --> E[Vegetative Reproduction] C --> F[Seed Reproduction] C --> G[Flower Reproduction] D --> H[Mosses] E --> I[Ferns] F --> J[Gymnosperms] G --> K[Angiosperms]

Flower Evolution

graph TB A[Flower Evolution] A --> B[Early Flowering Plants] A --> C[Angiosperms] B --> D[Gymnosperms] B --> E[Seedless Vascular Plants] C --> F[Monocots] C --> G[Dicots] D --> H[Conifers] D --> I[Ginkgo] E --> J[Ferns] E --> K[Horsetails] F --> L[Orchids] F --> M[Grasses] G --> N[Roses] G --> O[Sunflowers]

Flower Diagram

graph TD; A[Flower Diagram] --> B[Petals]; A --> C[Sepals]; A --> D[Stamen]; A --> E[Pistil]; B --> F[Corolla]; C --> G[Calyx]; D --> H[Anther]; D --> I[Filament]; E --> J[Stigma]; E --> K[Style]; E --> L[Ovary];


graph TB Flower --> Petals Flower --> Sepals Flower --> Stamen Stamen --> Anther Stamen --> Filament Flower --> Pistil Pistil --> Stigma Pistil --> Style Pistil --> Ovary

Flower Formula And Floral Diagram

graph TD; A[Flower Formula And Floral Diagram] --> B((Biology)); B --> C[Flower Formula]; B --> D[Floral Diagram]; C --> E1[Sepal]; C --> E2[Petal]; C --> E3[Stamen]; C --> E4[Carpel]; D --> F1[Inflorescence]; D --> F2[Flower]; D --> F3[Flower Parts]; D --> F4[Flower Symmetry];