Human Physiology:Neural Control and Coordination – 1

The Neural System

graph TB A[Neural System] A --> B[Central Nervous System] A --> C[Peripheral Nervous System] B --> D[Brain] B --> E[Spinal Cord] C --> F[Somatic Nervous System] C --> G[Autonomic Nervous System] G --> H[Sympathetic Nervous System] G --> I[Parasympathetic Nervous System]

The Neuron : The Structural And Functional Unit Of The Neural System

graph TD; A[The Neuron]; B[Structural Unit]; C[Functional Unit]; D[Neural System]; E[Cell Body]; F[Dendrites]; G[Axon]; H[Synapses]; I[Neurotransmitters]; J[Electrical Signals]; K[Chemical Signals]; A-->B; A-->C; B-->E; B-->F; B-->G; C-->H; C-->I; C-->J; C-->K; D-->A;


Three Kinds Of Neurons

Generation And Contuction Of Nerve Impulse

What Is The Key Important Fact About These Ion Channels

How Is The Nerve Impulse Generated And Conducted Along The Exon

Transmission Of Impluses

Synaptic Transmission Across A Chemical Synapse