Genetics and Evolution: Molecular Basis of Inheritance – 3


graph TD; Meaning-->Biology; Biology-->Genetics; Biology-->Evolution; Biology-->Cellular_Biology; Biology-->Ecology; Genetics-->DNA; Genetics-->Genes; Evolution-->Natural_Selection; Evolution-->Adaptation; Cellular_Biology-->Cell_Structure; Cellular_Biology-->Cell_Function; Ecology-->Ecosystems; Ecology-->Biodiversity;

Why genome organization is required

graph TD; A[Why genome organization is required]; B[Efficient DNA replication]; C[Regulation of gene expression]; D[DNA repair mechanisms]; E[Chromosome segregation during cell division]; A-->B; A-->C; A-->D; A-->E;


graph TB Objective --> CellBiology Objective --> Genetics Objective --> Ecology Objective --> Evolution Objective --> HumanBiology CellBiology --> CellStructure CellBiology --> CellFunction Genetics --> DNA Genetics --> Genes Genetics --> Heredity Ecology --> Ecosystems Ecology --> Biodiversity Ecology --> Conservation Evolution --> NaturalSelection Evolution --> Speciation HumanBiology --> Anatomy HumanBiology --> Physiology

Genome organization in virus

graph TD A[Genome Organization in Virus] B[DNA Viruses] C[RNA Viruses] D[Single-Stranded] E[Double-Stranded] F[Positive Sense] G[Negative Sense] H[Segmented] I[Non-Segmented] J[Retroviruses] A --> B A --> C B --> D B --> E C --> F C --> G F --> H F --> I G --> H G --> I C --> J

How do bacteria, lacking a nucleus,organize and pack their genome into the cell

graph TB A["How do bacteria, lacking a nucleus, organize and pack their genome into the cell"] A --> B["Bacteria"] B --> C["Lacking a Nucleus"] C --> D["DNA Supercoiling"] D --> E["Negative Supercoiling"] D --> F["Positive Supercoiling"] C --> G["DNA Looping"] B --> H["Genome Packing"] H --> I["Nucleoid"] I --> J["Proteins"] J --> K["HU Protein"] J --> L["Fis Protein"] J --> M["IHF Protein"] J --> N["H-NS Protein"]

Features of bacterial genome

graph TD; A[Features of Bacterial Genome]; B[Single Circular Chromosome]; C[Plasmids]; D[Genomic Islands]; E[Operons]; F[High Gene Density]; G[Compact Organization]; H[Less Introns]; I[Horizontal Gene Transfer]; A-->B; A-->C; A-->D; A-->E; A-->F; A-->G; A-->H; A-->I;

Genome organization in bacteria

graph TB A[Genome organization in bacteria] A --> B[Chromosome] B --> C[Circular DNA] B --> D[Supercoiling] A --> E[Plasmids] E --> F[Small, circular DNA] E --> G[Independent replication] A --> H[Genomic Islands] H --> I[Horizontal gene transfer] H --> J[Specialized functions] A --> K[Transposons] K --> L[Jumping genes] K --> M[Insertion sequences]

Enzymes associated with supercoilings

graph TB A[Enzymes associated with supercoilings] A --> B[Topoisomerases] A --> C[DNA Gyrase] A --> D[Helicases] B --> E[Type I Topoisomerases] B --> F[Type II Topoisomerases] C --> G[Type I DNA Gyrase] C --> H[Type II DNA Gyrase] D --> I[Type I Helicases] D --> J[Type II Helicases]

Chromosome function is influenced by DNA supercoiling

graph TB A[Chromosome Function] B[DNA Supercoiling] C[Influence] D[Chromosome Structure] E[Gene Expression] F[Replication] G[Transcription] H[Translation] I[Cell Division] A --> B B --> C C --> D D --> E E --> F F --> G G --> H H --> I

Now lets know about the genome organization in eukaryotes

graph TB A["Now let's know about the genome organization in eukaryotes"] A --> B["Chromosomes"] B --> C["Structure of Chromosomes"] C --> D["Centromere"] C --> E["Telomere"] C --> F["Chromatid"] B --> G["Number of Chromosomes"] A --> H["Genes"] H --> I["Structure of Genes"] I --> J["Exons"] I --> K["Introns"] H --> L["Number of Genes"] A --> M["DNA"] M --> N["Structure of DNA"] N --> O["Double Helix"] N --> P["Base Pairs"] M --> Q["DNA Replication"]

Eukaryotic Genome

graph TD; A[Eukaryotic Genome]; B[DNA]; C[RNA]; D[Proteins]; E[Genes]; F[Chromosomes]; G[Cell Nucleus]; H[Transcription]; I[Translation]; J[Mutation]; K[Genetic Variation]; A-->B; A-->C; A-->D; A-->E; A-->F; A-->G; B-->H; C-->I; D-->J; E-->K;

Levels of DNA packaging

graph TD; A[Levels of DNA Packaging]; B[Nucleotide]; C[DNA Strand]; D[Chromatin]; E[Chromosome]; A-->B; B-->C; C-->D; D-->E;

Proteins involved in DNA packaging

graph TD; A[Proteins involved in DNA packaging]; B[Histones]; C[Protamines]; D[High Mobility Group Proteins]; E[Transition Proteins]; A-->B; A-->C; A-->D; A-->E; B-->F[H1]; B-->G[H2A]; B-->H[H2B]; B-->I[H3]; B-->J[H4];


graph TB Nucleosome --> Histones Histones --> H2A Histones --> H2B Histones --> H3 Histones --> H4 Nucleosome --> DNA DNA --> "146 base pairs" Nucleosome --> "Linker DNA" "Linker DNA" --> "Variable length"

Formation of chromatin fibre

graph TB A[Formation of Chromatin Fibre] B[Nucleosomes] C[Histone Proteins] D[DNA] E[Linker DNA] F[Higher Order Structures] G[30 nm Fibre] H[300 nm Looped Structures] I[Chromatid] A --> B B --> C B --> D B --> E A --> F F --> G F --> H H --> I

Looped domain formation (300nm)

graph TB A[Looped domain formation (300nm)] B[Subtopic 1] C[Subtopic 2] D[Subtopic 3] E[Subtopic 4] A --> B A --> C A --> D A --> E B --> F[Sub-subtopic 1] B --> G[Sub-subtopic 2] C --> H[Sub-subtopic 3] C --> I[Sub-subtopic 4] D --> J[Sub-subtopic 5] D --> K[Sub-subtopic 6] E --> L[Sub-subtopic 7] E --> M[Sub-subtopic 8]

Formation of Heterochromatin (700nm)

graph TD A[Formation of Heterochromatin (700nm)] B[Heterochromatin Type] C[Function] D[Structure] E[Role in Gene Regulation] F[Associated Diseases] G[Research Methods] A --> B A --> C A --> D A --> E A --> F A --> G

DNA compaction

graph TB A[DNA Compaction] B[Chromatin] C[Nucleosome] D[30 nm Fiber] E[300 nm Fiber] F[Chromosome] A --> B B --> C C --> D D --> E E --> F B -->|Histones| C C -->|H1 Histone| D D -->|Loop Domains| E E -->|Metaphase| F

Formation of Metaphase chromosome (1400nm)

graph TD; A[Formation of Metaphase chromosome (1400nm)]; B[DNA Replication]; C[Condensation]; D[Cohesion]; E[Arrangement on Metaphase Plate]; A --> B; B --> C; C --> D; D --> E;


graph TB Chromosome Chromosome --> Structure Structure --> Centromere Structure --> Telomere Structure --> Arms Chromosome --> Types Types --> Autosomes Types --> Sex_Chromosomes Chromosome --> Function Function --> Genetic_Inheritance Function --> DNA_Packaging

Different parts of chromosome

graph TD; Chromosome --> Centromere; Chromosome --> Telomere; Chromosome --> Short_Arm[P Arm]; Chromosome --> Long_Arm[Q Arm]; Centromere --> Primary_Constriction; Centromere --> Secondary_Constriction; Telomere --> Protective_Cap; Short_Arm --> Heterochromatin; Short_Arm --> Euchromatin; Long_Arm --> Heterochromatin; Long_Arm --> Euchromatin;

Structure of chromosome

graph TD; A[Structure of Chromosome]; B[Chromatid]; C[Centromere]; D[Telomere]; E[Chromonema]; F[Chromomere]; G[Kinetochore]; A-->B; A-->C; A-->D; A-->E; A-->F; A-->G;

Types of chromosomes

graph TB A[Types of Chromosomes] A --> B[Autosomes] A --> C[Sex Chromosomes] B --> D[Metacentric] B --> E[Submetacentric] B --> F[Acrocentric] B --> G[Telocentric] C --> H[X Chromosome] C --> I[Y Chromosome]

Function of chromosomes

graph TB A[Function of Chromosomes] A --> B[Genetic Inheritance] A --> C[Cell Division] A --> D[Protein Synthesis] B --> E[Genes] C --> F[Mitosis] C --> G[Meiosis] D --> H[DNA] D --> I[Ribosomes]

Lets summarize

graph TD A[Let's Summarize: Biology] B[Cell Biology] C[Genetics] D[Evolution] E[Ecology] F[Anatomy and Physiology] A --> B A --> C A --> D A --> E A --> F