Hydrocarbons Question 2

Question 2 - 2024 (01 Feb Shift 1)

Given below are two statements:

Statement (I) : The $\mathrm{NH}_{2}$ group in Aniline is ortho and para directing and a powerful activating group.

Statement (II) : Aniline does not undergo FriedelCraft’s reaction (alkylation and acylation).

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below :

(1) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct

(2) Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect

(3) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct

(4) Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect

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Answer (1)


The $\mathrm{NH}{2}$ group in Aniline is ortho and para directing and a powerful activating group as $\mathrm{NH}{2}$ has strong $+\mathrm{M}$ effect.

Aniline does not undergo Friedel-Craft’s reaction (alkylation and acylation) as Aniline will form complex with $\mathrm{AlCl}_{3}$ which will deactivate the benzene ring.