Electrostatics Question 13

Question 13 - 30 January - Shift 2

As shown in the figure, a point charge $Q$ is placed at the centre of conducting spherical shell of inner radius $a$ and outer radius $b$. The electric field due to charge $Q$ in three different regions I, II and III is given by : (I : $r<a$, II : a $<r<b$, III : $>$ b)

(1) $E_I=0, E _{II}=0, E _{III} \neq 0$

(2) $E_I \neq 0, E _{II}=0, E _{III} \neq 0$

(3) $E_I \neq 0, E _{II}=0, E _{III}=0$

(4) $E_I=0, E _{II}=0, E _{III}=0$

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Answer: (2)


Electric field inside material of conductor is zero.