JEE Main 12 Jan 2019 Evening Question 19

Question: For a reaction, consider the plot of In k versus 1/r given in the figure. If the rate constant of this reaction at 400 K is $ {10^{-5}}{s^{-1}}, $ then the rate constant at 500 K

[JEE Main Online Paper Held On 12-Jan-2019 Evening]


A) $ {10^{-4}}{s^{-1}} $

B) $ 4\times {10^{-4}}{s^{-1}} $

C) $ {10^{-6}}{s^{-1}} $

D) $ 2\times {10^{-4}}{s^{-1}} $

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Correct Answer: A


  • From Arrhenius equation, In $ k=\ln ,A-\frac{E _{a}}{RT} $

    Slope $ =\frac{-E _{a}}{R}=-4606K $ or,

    $ \ln =\frac{k _2}{k _1}=\frac{E _{a}}{R}( \frac{T _2-T _1}{T _1T _2} ) $

    $ \ln =\frac{k _2}{{10^{-5}}}=4606( \frac{500-400}{500\times 400} ) $

    $ \ln \frac{k _2}{{10^{-5}}}=2.303;\frac{k _2}{{10^{-5}}}=anti\ln (2.303) $

    $ k _2=1\times {10^{-4}}{s^{-1}} $