JEE Main On 16 April 2018 Question 21

Question: When 9.65 ampere current was passed for 1.0 hour into nitrobenzene in acidic medium, the amount of p-aminophenol produced is _______. [JEE Main 16-4-2018]


A) $ 10.9g $

B) $ 109.0g $

C) $ 9.81g $

D) 98.1 g

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Correct Answer: B


  • 9.65 ampere current was passed for 1.0 hour (3600 seconds) Number of moles of electrons passed $ =\frac{IA\times t(s)}{96500}=\frac{96.5A\times 3600s}{96500}=0.36 $ moles 4 moles of electrons will reduce 1 mole of nitrobenzene to p-aminophenol. 0.36 moles of electrons will reduce $ \frac{0.36}{4}=0.09 $ moles of nitrobenzene to p-aminophenol. p-aminophenol molar mass 109.14 g/mol Mass of p-aminophenol obtained