JEE Main On 16 April 2018 Question 2

Question: Assuming ideal gas behaviour, the ratio of density of ammonia to that of hydrogen chloride at same temperature and pressure is: (Atomic wt. of $ Cl=35.5u $ ) [JEE Main 16-4-2018]


A) 16.4

B) 1.46

C) 0.64

D) 0.46

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Correct Answer: D


  • Ideal gas equation - $ PV=nRT $ $ n=m/M $ So, $ PV=mRT/M $ $ P=mRT/MV $ $ P=dRT/M $ s If temperature and pressure is constant then $ d\propto M $ $ d _1/d _2=M _1/M _2 $ ( $ d _1 $ and $ M _1 $ are density and molecular mass of ammonia) ( $ d _2 $ and $ M _2 $ are density and molecular mass of hydrogen chloride) $ d _1/d _2=17/36.5 $ $ d _1/d _2=0.46. $ Note: P is pressure, V is volume, n is number of moles, R is ideal gas constant and T is absolute temperature. m is mass and M is molar mass. d is density.