JEE Main Solved Paper 2017 Question 13

Question: A copper ball of mass 100 gm is at a temperature T. It is dropped in a copper calorimeter of mass 100 gm, filled with 170 gm of water at room temperature. Subsequently, the temperature of the system is found to be $ 75{{,}^{o}}C. $ T is given by: (Given : room temperature $ =30{{,}^{o}}C, $ specific heat of copper $ \text{=},0\text{.1},\text{cal/gm}{{,}^{o}}C $ JEE Main Solved Paper-2017


A) $ 1250{{,}^{o}}C $

B) $ 825{{,}^{o}}C $

C) $ 800{{,}^{o}}C $

D) $ 885{{,}^{o}}C $

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Correct Answer: D


  • Heat given = Heat taken $ (100)(0.1)(T-75)=(100)(0.1)(45)+(170)(1)(45) $ $ 10(T-75)=450+7650=8100 $ $ T-75=810 $ $ T=885{{,}^{o}}C $