JEE Main On 8 April 2017 Question 25

Question: Consider an ellipse, whose centre is at the origin and its major axis is along the x - axis. if its eccentricity is $ \frac{3}{5} $ and the distance between its foci is 6, then the area ( in sq. units ) of the quadrilateral inscribed in the ellipse, with the vertices as the vertices of the ellipse, is : [JEE Online 08-04-2017]


A) 32

B) 80

C) 40

D) 8

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Correct Answer: C


  • $ e=3/5,2ae=6,a(5)a=5 $ $ b^{2}=a^{2}(1-e^{2}) $ $ b^{2}=25(1-9/25) $ $ b=4 $ area $ =4(1/2ab) $ $ =2ab=40 $