Dihybrid Cross

1. Two Traits Studied: Involves inheritance of two different traits.

2. Alleles: Each trait has two alleles (dominant and recessive).

3. Independent Assortment: Traits inherited independently of each other.

4. Parental Genotypes: Identify genotypes of two parental organisms.

5. Gametes: Determine possible gametes for each trait.

6. Punnett Square: Use a 4x4 Punnett square to predict offspring genotypes.

7. Genotypic/Phenotypic Ratios: Analyze the Punnett square for these ratios.

8. Results Interpretation: Understand the inheritance patterns of traits.

Parents in Genetics

1. Genetic Material Transfer: Each parent contributes half of the genetic material.

2. Alleles: Parents can be homozygous or heterozygous.

3. Phenotype Influence: Parents’ genotypes determine phenotypes.

4. Dominant/Recessive Traits: Influence offspring’s traits.

5. Mendelian Genetics: Principles apply in trait inheritance.


1. Haploid Cells: Carry half the chromosome number.

2. Types: Sperm and egg.

3. Meiosis: Process for gamete formation.

4. Genetic Diversity: Ensured through genetic recombination.

5. Fertilization: Combines genetic material from both parents.

Phenotypic Ratio

1. Trait Observation: Ratio of different observable traits in offspring.

2. Mendelian Inheritance: Often follows specific patterns like 3:1 or 9:3:3:1.

3. Varies by Dominance: Different in complete dominance, incomplete dominance, and codominance.

Dihybrid Test Cross

1. Determines Unknown Genotypes: Crosses an unknown genotype with a homozygous recessive.

2. Offspring Phenotypes: Analyzed to infer the unknown genotype.

3. Phenotypic Ratios: Indicate the likelihood of certain genotypes.

Dihybrid Back Cross

1. Examines Two Traits: Crosses a dihybrid organism with a homozygous recessive.

2. Offspring Analysis: Helps understand how traits are inherited and assorted.