Transgenic Animals:

  • Transgenic animals have foreign genes introduced into their genome through genetic engineering.

  • They are used in scientific research to study gene function, model diseases, and develop therapies.

  • Foreign genes are integrated into their DNA to investigate specific gene effects.

Understanding Disease Mechanism:

  • Understanding disease mechanisms is crucial in biomedical research.

  • It involves studying processes and factors contributing to disease development and progression.

  • Transgenic animals are used to gain insights into disease mechanisms for effective treatments.

(AIDS) Model:

  • Transgenic mice are used to study AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome).

  • Genes related to HIV infection are introduced to mimic disease progression.

  • These models help test potential therapies and vaccines.

Alzheimer Mouse:

  • Transgenic mice model Alzheimer’s disease.

  • They express genes associated with Alzheimer’s.

  • Used to study disease pathogenesis, develop treatments, and test drugs.

Transgenic Models for Diabetes:

  • Transgenic animals, especially mice, are used to study diabetes.

  • Genes related to diabetes susceptibility or insulin production are introduced.

  • Helps investigate disease mechanisms and treatment development.

Transgenic Animals for Organ Transplantation:

  • Transgenic pigs are developed for xenotransplantation (organ transplantation).

  • Pig organs are modified to be more compatible with humans.

  • Aims to address the shortage of human donor organs.

Transgenesis: Step-03 - Selection and Screening:

  • Selection and screening follow the introduction of foreign DNA into the host organism.

  • Identify and confirm the presence of the desired gene in transgenic animals.

  • Ensures that only animals with the intended genetic modification are used for further research or breeding.
