Genetically Engineered E. Coli Platform:

  • Utilizes Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria for biotechnological purposes.

  • E. coli is chosen due to its well-studied nature, rapid growth, and genetic manipulability.

  • Genetic engineering techniques modify E. coli strains to produce specific bio-products.

  • Bio-products can include therapeutic proteins, enzymes, and biofuels.

Genetically Engineered Human Serum Albumin (HSA):

  • HSA is a vital protein found in blood plasma with various medical applications.

  • The process involves cloning the HSA gene into an expression system.

  • Large-scale production occurs using bioreactors, ensuring consistent and safe HSA availability.

  • HSA is used as a blood volume expander and in drug delivery.

Bioreactor for HSA Production:

  • Bioreactors are specialized vessels for large-scale cultivation of microorganisms or cells.

  • They provide a controlled environment for optimal cell growth and protein expression.

  • Bioreactors ensure efficient and high-yield production of HSA.

  • Crucial for biopharmaceutical manufacturing.

Vaccine Development:

  • Focuses on designing, producing, and testing vaccines to prevent infectious diseases.

  • Modern vaccine development often incorporates recombinant DNA technology.

  • Vaccines stimulate the immune system to provide protection against specific pathogens.

  • Crucial for public health and disease prevention.

Gene Therapy:

  • Innovative field involving genetic modification within a patient’s cells.

  • Aims to treat or prevent diseases by introducing, modifying, or deleting genetic material.

  • Promising for various genetic disorders and certain types of cancer.

  • Targets the molecular root causes of diseases.
