CodingDecoding A Crucial Component of IBPS RRB Exams
Coding-Decoding: A Crucial Component of IBPS RRB Exams
The IBPS RRB exams for Probationary Officer (PO) and Clerk positions are highly competitive, and one of the key components of these exams is the Reasoning Ability section, which includes a variety of coding-decoding questions. In this article, we will provide a detailed overview of coding-decoding, essential tips for mastering this topic, and questions with solutions to help you prepare effectively for the IBPS RRB 2024 exam.
What is Coding-Decoding?
Coding-decoding is a crucial part of the Reasoning Ability section in the IBPS RRB exams. It tests a candidate’s ability to decipher a given code language. In these questions, information is given in a coded form, and candidates need to decode it using a specific pattern or rule.
Types of Coding-Decoding Questions
There are several types of coding-decoding questions, including:
- Letter Coding: Alphabets are replaced by other alphabets following a specific pattern.
- Number Coding: Numbers replace letters or a combination of letters and numbers is used.
- Symbol Coding: Symbols replace letters or numbers.
- Substitution Coding: Words are replaced by certain codes or symbols.
- Mixed Coding/Decoding: A combination of the above types.
Key Strategies for Solving Coding-Decoding Questions
To solve coding-decoding questions effectively, follow these key strategies:
- Identify Patterns: Look for consistent patterns in the codes provided.
- Compare Elements: Compare coded words with their corresponding original words to identify the rule.
- Practice Regularly: Regular practice helps in quickly recognizing common coding patterns.
Coding-Decoding Questions for the IBPS RRB Exam
Here are some coding-decoding questions for the IBPS RRB exam:
Directions (01-05)
In a certain code language,
- ‘Arranged Eat Race done’ is written as ‘pl jt eh fr’
- ‘Source Strike Idol Pain’ is written as ‘af nl sw vr’
- ‘Pain Arranged Done Strike’ is written as ‘jt sw pl vr’
- ‘Done Idol Eat Strike’ is written as ‘pl nl fr vr’
Q01. What is the code for ‘done’?
(a) nl (b) vr (c) sw (d) pl (e) None of these
Q02. Which of the following may be the code for ‘Eat Pain Strike’?
(a) fr vr sw (b) pl vr sw (c) jt pl fr (d) sw vr jt (e) None of these
Q03. What is the code for ‘Race’?
(a) pl (b) jt (c) eh (d) vr (e) None of these
Q04. What is the code for ‘Source’ in the given code language?
(a) nl (b) vr (c) sw (d) af (e) None of these
Q05. If ‘Idol drama’ is coded as ’nl da’ then what is the code for ‘drama’?
(a) da (b) fr (c) jt (d) eh (e) None of these
Directions (06-10)
In a certain code language,
- ‘New record sets input’ is written as ’no ml zx ab’
- ‘Record sets wholesale amount’ is written as ‘ml zx st gf’
- ‘Figure wholesale amount inflation’ is written as ‘kd fnvgf st’
- ‘Record input figure amount’ is written as ‘zx ab gf kd’
Q06. What is the code for ‘figure’ in the coded language?
(a) ab (b) kd (c) zx (d) gf (e) Either zx or gf
Q07. If ‘market wholesale amount’ is coded as ‘st gf op’ then what may be the code for ‘market record’ in the given coded language?
(a) zx gf (b) op ab (c) zx fn (d) op st (e) op zx
Q08. What is the code for ‘New’ in the given coded language?
(a) zx (b) ab (c) no (d) ml (e) None of these
Q09. What is the code for ‘Record sets’ in the given coded language?
(a) zx gf (b) ml st (c) ab zx (d) ml zx (e) None of these
Q10. Which of the following word is coded as ‘fn’?
(a) Input (b) Inflation (c) Figure (d) Record (e) None of these
Directions (11-15)
In a certain code language,
- ‘Hospitals provide proper facilities’ is coded as ‘yu ki fs bv’
- ‘Proper study guidance important’ is coded as ‘bv at zx pe’
- ‘Hospitals facilities not important’ is coded as ‘zx yu fs gf’
- ‘facilities guidance where needed’ is coded as ‘fs at hw dn’
Q11. What is the code of “hospital” as per the given code language?
(a) yu (b) ki (c) Either (a) or (b) (d) hw (e) None of these
Q12. What is the code of “important” as per the given code language?
(a) at (b) zx (c) gf (d) pe (e) None of these
Q13. What is the code of “guidance needed” as per the given code language?
(a) at pe (b) at dn (c) hw at (d) Either (a) or (b) (e) Either (b) or (c)
Q14. Which of the following word is coded as ‘bv’ per the given code language?
(a) provide (b) study (c) proper (d) not (e) None of these
Q15. What may the possible code for ‘provide help’ as per the given code language?
(a) ki bv (b) bv zx (c) zx hp (d) ki hp (e) ki yu
Directions (16-20)
In coded language,
- “Karma would be anywhere” is coded as “wp bn qu tl”
- “Anywhere policy will be” is coded as “an wp bn sh”
- “Karma be yours strength” is coded as “tl bn ft er”
Q16. What is the code for the word ‘strength’?
(a) ft (b) er (c) bn (d) tl (e) Either ft or er
Q17. If ‘will please’ is coded as ‘sh pr’ then what can be the possible code for ‘policy care’ in the coded language?
(a) an bn (b) an ut (c) ut wp (d) ut tl (e) sa pz
Q18. Which among the following word is coded as ‘bn’?
(a) Anywhere (b) Karma (c) Would (d) Be (e) None of the above
Q19. What is the code for the word ‘anywhere’?
(a) wp (b) qu (c) tl (d) bn (e) None of the above
Q20. What is the code for the word ‘Yours’?
(a) ft (b) er (c) sh (d) Either ft or er (e) None of the above
Directions (21-25)
In a certain code of language,
- “The new driving license update” is coded as “hb sb cb ub fb”
- “These are policy license” is coded as “fb xb zb vb”
- ‘New are procedure’ is coded as “xb ob hb”
- “The policy documentation” is coded as “qb sb zb”
Q21. What is the code for the word ’these’?
(a) vb (b) xb (c) zb (d) fb (e) None of these
Q22. What is the code for the word ‘update’?
(a) ub (b) cb (c) hb (d) sb (e) Can’t be determined
Q23. The code ‘zb’ represents which of the following word?
(a) These (b) Documentation (c) License (d) Policy (e) None of these
Q24. What is the code for ‘are’?
(a) xb (b) fb (c) ob (d) hb (e) None of these
Q25. What is the code for the word ‘Documentation’?
(a) qb (b) sb (c) zb (d) None of these (e) Can’t be determined
Directions (26-30)
In a certain code language,
- ‘Member song mail’ is written as ‘yt po ki’
- ‘Boat complete dope’ is written as ’tu at uj’
- ‘Mail dope Boat’ is written as ‘at yt uj’
- ‘Member mail Boat’ is written as ‘yt uj ki’
Q26. What is the code for ‘song member’ in the given code language?
(a) tu uj (b) po ki (c) at uj (d) uj po (e) None of these
Q27. What is the code for ‘complete’ in the given code language?
(a) tu (b) ki (c) at (d) uj (e) None of these
Q28. What is the code for ‘Boat’ in the given code language?
(a) tu (b) po (c) at (d) uj (e) None of these
Q29. What