Want to Score 35 in IBPS RRB 2024 Reasoning Heres How

Want to Score 35+ in IBPS RRB 2024 Reasoning? Here’s How!

The Reasoning Ability section of the IBPS RRB exam is all about how well you can think logically and solve problems. Doing well in this section can seriously boost your overall score and increase your chances of getting that banking job you’ve been dreaming of. Let’s break down how you can score 35+ in the 2024 IBPS RRB Reasoning Ability section.

What You Need to Study

Both the Prelims and Mains exams for the IBPS RRB 2024 will include these topics in the Reasoning Ability section. Make sure you’re comfortable with each of them, keeping in mind the different stages of the hiring process:

  • Direction / Coded-Direction: Understanding directions and how they are represented in coded formats.
  • Blood Relation / Coded-Blood-Relation: Analyzing family relationships, sometimes presented in a coded way.
  • Inequality / Coded Inequality: Comparing values and understanding relationships between them, including coded inequalities.
  • Coding-Decoding (General + Coded): Deciphering patterns and hidden messages in codes.
  • Resultant (Miscellaneous): Solving a variety of logical reasoning problems.
  • Coded Series: Identifying patterns and relationships within a series of coded elements.
  • Syllogism (General +Coded): Determining the validity of conclusions based on given statements, including coded syllogisms.
  • Data-Sufficiency (Two or Three statements): Analyzing whether the provided data is sufficient to answer a question.
  • Input-Output (Word or Number Based): Understanding how a given input is transformed into an output through a set of rules.
  • Circular/ Triangular/ Rectangular/ Square Seating Arrangement: Solving puzzles involving people sitting in different arrangements.
  • Linear Seating Arrangement (Single, Double, or Uncertain) + With Direction & Distance: Solving puzzles involving people sitting in a line, considering factors like direction and distance.
  • Box-Based Puzzles (Certain + Uncertain): Solving puzzles involving objects placed in boxes, with varying levels of certainty.
  • Floor or Floor-flat-based Puzzles: Solving puzzles involving people or objects located on different floors or flats.
  • Comparison/ Categorized/ Order Ranking-Based Puzzle: Solving puzzles that require comparing, categorizing, or ranking different items.
  • Blood-Relation-based Puzzles: Solving puzzles that involve analyzing family relationships.
  • Day/ Month/ Year/Age-Based Puzzle: Solving puzzles that involve calculating dates, ages, or time periods.
  • Logical Reasoning: This broad category includes:
    • Statement and Assumptions: Identifying assumptions implied within statements.
    • Statement and Inference: Drawing logical conclusions from given statements.
    • Cause and Effect: Determining the cause-and-effect relationships between events.
    • Course of Action: Identifying the most appropriate course of action in a given situation.
    • Strength of Argument: Evaluating the strength of arguments presented.
    • Statement and Conclusion: Determining whether a conclusion logically follows from a given statement.

Your Roadmap to 35+

The IBPS RRB PO and Clerk Exams hit you with 40 Reasoning Ability questions. To hit that 35+ mark, you’ll need dedication, consistent practice, and a smart strategy. These tips will help you unlock your reasoning potential and ace this important section:

  1. Know Your Enemy: Start by understanding the different types of reasoning questions you’ll face. The IBPS RRB Reasoning section usually includes:

    • Puzzle Solving: These questions test your ability to arrange things, figure out seating plans, and understand sequences.
    • Inequalities: These problems challenge you to compare and analyze relationships between numbers or variables.
    • Syllogisms: You’ll need to identify logical connections between statements and draw conclusions.
    • Coding & Decoding: Get ready to crack codes by understanding patterns and deciphering hidden messages.
    • Blood Relations: These questions test your ability to analyze family relationships.
    • Direction Sense: You’ll need to use your spatial reasoning skills to solve these problems.
    • Statement & Assumptions: These questions require you to identify assumptions that are implied within statements.
  2. Build a Solid Base: Before tackling complex problems, make sure you have a strong grasp of basic reasoning concepts. Practice identifying patterns, spotting logical fallacies, and understanding different types of arguments.

  3. Practice Makes Perfect: The key to acing reasoning ability is consistent practice. Here’s how to sharpen your skills:

    • Past Papers are Your Friend: Work through IBPS RRB Previous Year Papers to get familiar with the question format, difficulty level, and frequently tested topics.
    • Mock Tests are Key: Regularly take online mock tests to experience the exam environment, identify your weak areas, and improve your time management.
    • Accuracy and Speed Matter: Aim for both accuracy and speed when solving practice questions. Remember, the clock is ticking during the reasoning section.
    • Learn from Your Mistakes: Don’t just solve questions – analyze your mistakes and understand why you got them wrong. This will help you avoid making the same errors in the actual exam.
  4. Strategic Techniques: Here are some specific techniques to tackle different types of reasoning questions:

    • Puzzle Solving: Develop a logical approach, draw diagrams when needed, and consider all possible combinations.
    • Inequalities: Practice shortcut methods for calculations and estimation techniques to save time.
    • Syllogisms: Identify the relationship between statements (e.g., cause-and-effect, contradiction) to determine the correct conclusion.
    • Coding & Decoding: Practice identifying patterns and applying basic logic to decipher codes.
  5. Master the Clock: The IBPS RRB Reasoning section is time-limited, so manage your time wisely:

    • Have a Plan: Allocate specific time slots for different question types based on their importance and your strengths.
    • Don’t Get Bogged Down: If you’re stuck on a question, move on and come back to it later if you have time. Don’t waste precious minutes on a single question.
    • Practice Time Management: During mock tests, practice answering questions within the allotted time frame.
  6. Stay Calm and Focused: A clear and focused mind is crucial for performing well on any exam. Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing to manage exam stress. This will help you think clearly during the test.