Israels Aggression in Gaza A Losing Battle

Israel’s Aggression in Gaza: A Losing Battle

The Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of the Hamas resistance movement, has issued a statement highlighting the devastating impact of Israel’s nine-month-long aggression on Gaza. According to Abu Obaida, the spokesman for the Al-Qassam Brigades, the Israeli forces are receiving painful blows everywhere they are invading, despite their relentless airstrikes and artillery fire.

The statement was released as the Israeli onslaught on Gaza entered its tenth month. Abu Obaida emphasized that the Israeli forces are being met with a strong response from the resistance fighters, who are killing their soldiers, destroying their vehicles, and ambushing their forces. He added that the enemy is receiving painful blows everywhere they have invaded again, and will ultimately emerge defeated, as they did before, by the power of Allah Almighty.

Abu Obaida criticized the international organizations for their inability to force Israel to accept a ceasefire in Gaza, stating that the Palestinian people are still being subjected to Nazi-Zionist-American aggression and genocide. He pointed out that the world is witnessing the Israeli regime’s denial of the Palestinian people’s existence, as well as its systematic cleansing and genocide in the West Bank, Al-Quds, and Gaza.

Despite Israel’s nine-month-long aggression against Gaza, the Al-Qassam spokesman emphasized that the resistance has not been exhausted, nor has it relented, nor has it subsided. The resistance fighters are still fighting in Gaza without external support or supply of weapons and equipment. Abu Obaida noted that the Palestinian resistance is inflicting casualties on the enemy’s targets and defeating its army, despite being heavily armed and equipped, and receiving support from the United States and Britain.

The Al-Qassam spokesman also criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for not caring about Israeli captives held in Gaza, saying that the fate of the enemy’s children has become a game in the hands of the prime minister and his government ministers, who are obsessed with destruction and killing.

In a stern message to the Israeli forces, Abu Obaida stated that there is no place for them in proud Gaza, nor for mercenaries fighting for hire in a losing battle, nor for forces holed up in civilian homes like thieves, nor for officers hiding behind armored vehicles. He warned that all of them will be killed, injured, or run with fear.

This statement highlights the ongoing struggle of the Palestinian people against Israeli aggression and the resilience of the resistance fighters in the face of overwhelming odds. It also underscores the need for international organizations to take concrete action to end the Israeli occupation and ensure the rights of the Palestinian people.

Historical Context:

The conflict between Israel and Gaza, led by Hamas, has a long and complex history. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict dates back to the early 20th century, with the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 leading to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, known as the Nakba or “catastrophe” in Arabic. Since then, there have been numerous outbreaks of violence, including the 1967 Six-Day War, the 1987 First Intifada, and the 2006 Lebanon War.

In 2007, Hamas took control of Gaza, leading to a blockade by Israel and Egypt, which has severely limited the movement of people and goods into and out of the territory. This has led to widespread poverty, unemployment, and humanitarian crises.

In 2014, Israel launched a military operation in Gaza, known as Operation Protective Edge, which lasted for 50 days and resulted in significant damage to infrastructure and loss of life. Since then, there have been several smaller-scale conflicts, including a 2018-2019 escalation that led to the deaths of over 30 Palestinians.

In recent years, tensions have continued to escalate, with Israel accusing Hamas of launching rockets into Israeli territory and Hamas accusing Israel of committing war crimes and human rights abuses.

Summary in Bullet Points:

• The Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, has issued a statement highlighting the devastating impact of Israel’s nine-month-long aggression on Gaza. • The Israeli forces are being met with a strong response from the resistance fighters, who are killing their soldiers, destroying their vehicles, and ambushing their forces. • The resistance fighters are still fighting in Gaza without external support or supply of weapons and equipment. • The Al-Qassam spokesman criticized international organizations for their inability to force Israel to accept a ceasefire in Gaza. • The Palestinian resistance is inflicting casualties on the enemy’s targets and defeating its army, despite being heavily armed and equipped. • The Al-Qassam spokesman warned that all Israeli forces will be killed, injured, or run with fear. • The statement highlights the ongoing struggle of the Palestinian people against Israeli aggression and the resilience of the resistance fighters in the face of overwhelming odds. • It also underscores the need for international organizations to take concrete action to end the Israeli occupation and ensure the rights of the Palestinian people.

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