Bidens Presidential Protocol A Closer Look at the Howto Guide for Entering and Exiting a Room

Biden’s Presidential Protocol: A Closer Look at the “How-to” Guide for Entering and Exiting a Room

In recent times, President Joe Biden has been under intense scrutiny due to his verbal blunders and unusual appearances at various events. A new report has emerged, claiming that his team prepares a detailed guide on “how to enter and exit a room” before events, sparking concerns about his cognitive health and ability to lead the country.

According to Axios, the report reveals that staffers are constantly by Biden’s side to guide him at events, and even carve out specific paths for him to reach a podium using large prints to make things easier. This has led to further questions about whether he is mentally fit to take charge for a potential reelection.

A person who staffed a Biden fundraiser told Axios, “It surprised me that a seasoned political pro like the president would need detailed verbal and visual instructions on how to enter and exit a room.” They also highlighted how the president’s team treated the “simple fundraiser at a private residence” like “a NATO summit” with his movements.

The report states that the White House sends staffers a document before a presidential event, which includes a short and simple template with a large picture of the location’s interior and big text cues like “View from podium” and “View from audience.” However, the White House has defended the practice, calling it part of standard procedure.

White House spokesperson Andrew Bates stated, “High levels of detail and precision are critical to presidential advance work — regardless of who is president — and these are basic approaches that are used by any modern advance team, including the vice president’s office and agencies.”

Vice President Kamala Harris’ spokesperson Kirsten Allen also echoed the same sentiment, saying, “These documents are standard logistical briefing materials and photos for any principal, including the vice president.”

Despite the criticism, President Biden’s team has maintained that he is staying in the race and determined to beat his Republican rival, Donald Trump. However, senior House Democrats have recently voiced concerns about his mental fitness to run for president, with some even calling for him to drop out of the 2024 reelection campaign.

The report has sparked a heated debate, with some questioning whether Biden’s reliance on teleprompters and constant guidance is a sign of his inability to lead the country. As the presidential election approaches, this controversy is likely to continue to dominate the headlines.

Key Points:

  • President Joe Biden’s team prepares a detailed guide on “how to enter and exit a room” before events.
  • Staffers are constantly by his side to guide him at events.
  • The White House defends the practice, calling it part of standard procedure.
  • Senior House Democrats have voiced concerns about Biden’s mental fitness to run for president.
  • Some have called for Biden to drop out of the 2024 reelection campaign.


  • Advance work: A detail-focussed approach for every president.
  • Principal: A high-ranking official, such as the president or vice president.
  • Logistical briefing materials: Documents providing information about an event or location.
  • Teleprompters: Electronic devices that display text for speakers to read from.


  1. What is the purpose of the guide prepared by President Biden’s team?
  2. Why do you think the White House defends the practice of providing detailed instructions?
  3. What are the implications of this controversy on President Biden’s presidential campaign?
  4. What does the term “advance work” refer to in the context of presidential events?

Historical Context:

The scrutiny surrounding President Joe Biden’s cognitive abilities and leadership capabilities is not unprecedented. In the past, there have been concerns about the mental fitness of several U.S. presidents, including Ronald Reagan, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 1994, and Donald Trump, who has been criticized for his erratic behavior and tweets. The debate surrounding Biden’s mental fitness is likely to continue, with some arguing that it is a legitimate concern and others dismissing it as a political attack.

The controversy surrounding Biden’s reliance on teleprompters and guidance is also reminiscent of the criticism faced by former President George H.W. Bush, who was known for his use of a teleprompter during speeches. However, Bush’s use of the device was seen as a way to ensure accuracy and clarity, whereas Biden’s reliance on it has been portrayed as a sign of his inability to lead.

Summary in Bullet Points:

• President Joe Biden’s team prepares a detailed guide on “how to enter and exit a room” before events, sparking concerns about his cognitive health and ability to lead the country. • The guide includes large prints and specific paths for the president to follow, with staffers constantly by his side to guide him at events. • The White House defends the practice, calling it part of standard procedure for presidential advance work. • Senior House Democrats have voiced concerns about Biden’s mental fitness to run for president, with some calling for him to drop out of the 2024 reelection campaign. • The controversy has sparked a heated debate, with some questioning whether Biden’s reliance on teleprompters and constant guidance is a sign of his inability to lead the country.

Key Points:

• President Joe Biden’s team prepares a detailed guide on “how to enter and exit a room” before events. • Staffers are constantly by his side to guide him at events. • The White House defends the practice, calling it part of standard procedure. • Senior House Democrats have voiced concerns about Biden’s mental fitness to run for president. • Some have called for Biden to drop out of the 2024 reelection campaign.


• Advance work: A detail-focussed approach for every president. • Principal: A high-ranking official, such as the president or vice president. • Logistical briefing materials: Documents providing information about an event or location. • Teleprompters: Electronic devices that display text for speakers to read from.


  1. What is the purpose of the guide prepared by President Biden’s team?
  2. Why do you think the White House defends the practice of providing detailed instructions?
  3. What are the implications of this controversy on President Biden’s presidential campaign?
  4. What does the term “advance work” refer to in the context of presidential events?

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